So Much To Say! (TOL)


thinking out loud

I feel like I have so much to say in so many directions today that I need to organize my random thoughts in order to keep this post coherent.

Before I say another word, I must follow up my disordered eating post from Tuesday with this wonderful post from Kylie at Imma Eat That: Tips to start living a non-diet life.

She always offers a gentle yet no-nonsense approach to learning how to give up the diet mentality, helping readers to understand how basic it can be to do so without counting calories. I know it can take time to change your mindset but if it’s something you are determined to do, I recommend reading her blog on a regular basis.


The weather this week has been super nice and almost close to what we can consider cool. I think it’s been in the 60’s (or maybe close to 70) in the morning which makes me happy when I am running.

Although, yesterday I chose a gym workout instead of running! I like adding a cross-training day in place of an easy run lately. I may keep it up during my half marathon training which starts next week.

My only issue at the moment is that I clearly need a new pair of cross-training/easy run/recovery run running shoes. My Saucony Rides, which I have been wearing on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s since March, are feeling totally burned out.

I actually started to type that I bought these running shoes in April but after checking the dates on the photos of the shoes here on the blog, they are from March! Woah, these are way passed finished for me.

My Saucony Rides still look just like this picture. All shiny and new but the cushion, padding and soles are finished.

saucony ride

I don’t want to spend money right now on running shoes! But they are necessary and important so I guess I have no choice.


Mallomars are back in stores! You know the deal with Mallomars, right? They are only available in stores from September through March because back in the old days, the chocolate coating would melt if they tried to ship them on trucks during the warmer weather.

I read this article which explained 10 things I didn’t already know about Mallomars. It said that although Mallomars can of course be shipped today year round through the use of refrigerated trucks, they just don’t do it simply to cause the traditional seasonal hype!

I always get all excited like a kid when I see the Mallomars displays popping back up in the grocery stores. I picked up a box the other day while in Shop Rite.


Peanut Butter:

Has anyone else noticed that the red capped jar of peanut butter at Trader Joe’s is missing from store shelves lately? You know, the crunchy chia seed and flax peanut butter? Where did it go?

peanut butter with flax and chia

Blog Issues:

I don’t even want to talk about it! Like I do want to talk about it but I am so beyond frustrated that I just can’t. You shouldn’t see the issues on your end which is the bright spot in this mess of a situation. I have become so tech savvy in the last 48 hours but I still can’t resolve the search engine problems.

I have stumped my new web host as well as the tech support people I have helping me. This is not okay. Not okay at all. Slowly losing my mind over here. But I don’t want to talk about it.

A month from today:

Today is September 15 which means a month from today is October 15, my son’s Bar Mitzvah.


Just so you know, the kids are given their Mitzvah dates four years in advance so this date has been on the calendar for a long time. I used to joke with people that they need to save the date when 2016 seemed so far away and now here we are.

#TBT for today: Where does the time go? I still see my baby looking like this and it was almost ten years ago.


Today is the Bar Mitzvah RSVP due date. I have a ton of things still to do including many meetings, many payments, ordering the favors, setting the day-of timeline, finding heels for the Friday night service…should I continue?

I also keep rereading this post that I wrote several months ago entitled Letting It Go to remind myself to do just that.

As the Bar Mitzvah approaches, so does facing the reason for my divorce for the first time in my life.

Lately I have thought about not doing so and taking steps to keep me from having to do so but the negative energy associated with that scenario is draining and almost worse than just dealing with things head on.

This is probably one of the hardest things I will have to do so far in my life (no exaggeration) and while I think it’s completely unfair that it has to happen on one of the most special days in our lives, I am a stronger person now as compared to when my divorce first went down so it will be okay.

Right? Right.

Maybe I will start watching The First Wives Club again from now until the Bar Mitzvah. I know I have said this before but seeing this movie when I was 18 is nothing compared to watching it now. In the movie, Bette Midler has her son’s Bar Mitzvah during her divorce and I can totally relate to certain aspects of her situation.  It cracks me up for sure which helps me to make light of my own situation.

Actually, sort of related, has anyone else been watching 90 Day Fiance on TLC? Am I the only one tuning in to this nonsense as if it’s quality television? If you watch it, please tell me who your favorites are from last season and now this season!

I’ve removed the twitter share thing that is usually listed at this point in my post as well as a few other features on my blog at the moment thinking maybe they are conflicting in the background. Just letting you know. 🙂

Do you like Mallomars?

Anyone else have Yoast telling them that there’s a search engine problem on their site all of a sudden?

Do you watch any of the TLC reality shows?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

25 thoughts on “So Much To Say! (TOL)”

  1. Mallomars always remind me of my dad because from now until they’re gone he always has a box in his freezer (side note: have you ever frozen one?! So good.) I never really crave them until I see them there and then I want 1000000.
    I hope the rest of the Bat Mitzvah stuff goes smoothly. As a child of divorce, it sounds to me like you and your ex handle it very well for your son’s benefit!

  2. Those Mallomars look interesting and good! 🙂 I would love to try them, but maybe they are an East coast thing? And I hope the Bar Mitzvah planning continues to go so well, and don’t worry if one detail isn’t quite right; I bet it will go really well! 🙂 I’ll be praying for it!

  3. I don’t think we have Mallomars up here in Canadaland, but we have something Viva Puffs and Dream Puffs which are basically the same thing. I haven’t had one in years and years, but I remember loving them hardcore back in the day. Hmm… I wonder if it’s possible to make a homemade version. Need to think about that. And you’re going to rock at the Bar Mitzvah. You’re a force to be reckoned with ❤

  4. I had no idea Mallomars were seasonal! I love them but never eat them for some reason haha I feel like we’ve been talking about the Bar Mitzvah for so long, it’s hard to believe it’s so soon!!

  5. Wow—can’t believe the Bar Mitzvah is so soon—we are submitting dates now for March of 2018! LOL. So you guys will celebrate Yom Kippur and then have a Bar Mitzvah–that’s great!!! Repenting and then a celebration. Love it!

    Don’t love Mallomars—because I am not a marshmellow fan. The consistency is not my favorite.

    I watch TLC when nothing else is on, but much prefer HGTV! Am sure TLC provides some good laughs.

  6. I appreciated the post about disordered eating so much. I love your honesty 🙂
    I’ve never tried Mallomars before…probably because they’re only around for part of year.
    It’s fall running weather just the best? In PA, we’ve had a few days in the 70s and low 80s, and it’s such a relief.

  7. I cant believe they tell you the Bar Mitzvah date 4 years in advance! It sounds like its more complicated than planning a wedding.
    Sorry the blog stuff is still such a problem! You will be such an expert after all this that you will be able to help the rest of us when we have issues:)

  8. I’m sorry the blog issues are still going. Stumping the tech support people is never a good thing. I’m hoping it gets sorted out this weekend and life can return to normal since you have enough on your plate right now. Also, now I want to rewatch First Wives Club.

  9. I just bought a jar of that “red capped peanut butter” at Trader Joe’s about 3 weeks ago (in Tulsa). It is my first time trying it. I hope you can find it soon!

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